First trademarks
Countless global brands – including Rolex, BMW, Louis Vuitton and the New York Yankees – use logos designed more than 100 years ago. Yet there has never been a monographic publication on the origins of logo design at that time. From the second half of the 19th century, the trademark as an advertising and identity symbol for companies replaced traditional symbols such as family crests.
In addition to an extensive illustrated section, the volume includes an introduction by Jens Müller on the history of trademarks, a reproduction of the illustrated essay “Landmarks - Trademarks” by the influential design pioneer F.H. Ehmcke (1878-1965), who in 1921 provided the first comprehensive look at modern corporate logos, and ten case studies of famous brands such as 3M, NBC, Olivetti and Shell.

“One for graphic designs and semioticians alike ... As a chronicle of the birth of corporate identity, it can’t be beaten.”
— Wallpaper
This large-format monograph contains numerous rare illustrations that illustrate both the turbulent and consistent periods of development in international logo design and the birth of corporate identity.
Logo Beginnings is not only an inspiring handbook for everyday design work, but also great reading for anyone interested in social, cultural and corporate history, as well as the fascinating impact of brands – and the perfect complement to TASCHEN’s classic Logo Modernism.

“Fascinating stories behind the world’s oldest logos.”
— cnn.com

Client: TASCHEN GmbH, Cologne
Services: Concept and design, research, copy, editorial design
Year: 2022
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Logos of the world Logo Modernism